Hi there

Well, we send our warm love to you within these…strangest of times!

Trusting that you’re doing ok, whatever the circumstances are that you’re in. We know many of us are in essential industries such as farming; keeping us all fed and clothed! Some running other businesses, not missing a beat, others severely impacted, others again working within the public sector even as clinicians helping keep folks alive! Thank you, whatever you are doing. 

We’ll try and keep this short – as there’s plenty to read ATM. This will be brisk, but packed with a bunch of what we see God doing. 

For the first time ever, we sent our students home early from lectures. We have cancelled our April and July DTS courses. We asked our staff to pray and decide if they should immediately return home to be with family, or remain here in Newcastle or Tahlee. About 30% went home, another 30% went to Tahlee [many doing the Biblical Core Course] and 30% remained in Newcastle. 

In order to reach out to our community during this time we have created a call line for local residents to have a friendly chat over the phone with our staff, as well as offering the delivery of urgent supplies to local homes in our suburb. Along with that we are pursuing ways to partner with other local charities and churches – www.heretohelpyou.com.au

We quote from our latest YWAM Newsletter: 

To be blunt, in all of our ministries, we are surrounded by the natural components of very serious financial threat. With our borders closed for the immediate future, we have lost the streams of international students from which comes our flow of new staff and life. We are being pruned very significantly. At moments I can feel very like King Jehosophat who, surrounded by armies, called out to the Lord saying “we do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.” In another version it says “We have no power to face this vast army … The battle is not yours but Gods, … go out and face them tomorrow and the Lord will be with you.” We are very vulnerable right now, needing to see deliverance from our circumstances, but in saying that, we carry inexplicable peace. We’re very conscious of God’s pruning and shaping hand on us. The truth is, we are being prepared for an extraordinary new season of breakthrough.” 

We feel that it’s a special season in our friendship with the Lord. He’s being tender with us, as we are seeking not only practical ministry solutions, but what he wants to do in our lives personally.  The break in routine creates space for him to delve deeper into our hearts as he further shapes us.  

Re financially: It’s not unusual for YWAM finances to take priority, which in essence is right. But we do acknowledge that we [David and Carrie] have a desperate need for regular financial partners. It would get us out of drama to have another bunch join. 

In family news, Chloe and Lloyd have postponed their wedding to late September [from July] – we’re praying that things have settled down a bit by then and the extended family will be able to travel and attend. Chloe as a practice nurse, has been busy working over this time. Abbey and Nathan are both studying – Abbey with Newcastle Uni and Nate with Sydney Uni. Online Uni is a very different mode of study, but seems to be suiting them both. We are all getting quite good at face timing and zooming to ‘visit’ with our loved ones!

We think of you often, and are praying for you many of these times. If there is anything particularly that you would appreciate prayer for, please drop us a note. 

Our love, our gratitude. Close and from afar, wish we could see you, in any case, would love your news. 

David and Carrie