The Ruach has arrived in PNG!!

A lot has happened since we last updated everyone!! Our sailing vessel the ‘Ruach’ arrived in late January, and has since been fitted out ready to be deployed in PNG. She left Newcastle in mid September, had a brief stopover in Townsville, and as of today….. HAS ACTUALLY ARRIVED IN ALOTAU, PNG!!! We are so excited for the vessel and team to get started on fulfilling the purpose God has for them.




We had the privilege of being given the keys to the City of Newcastle recently. Newcastle Lord Mayor presented the key to the Ruach and YWAM Newcastle as part of the Ambassador Program, which recognises organisations who represent the city in a positive way.



A New Home….

Several weeks ago we heard the wonderful news that Mayfield Baptist Church had received the occupancy certificate for ‘Kara’ the property adjoining Lewis House (where we have lived since 1999). This has meant that the majority of the community has moved across over the past two weeks, as we will be renting from the church. It is an amazing property with 54 staff and guest bedrooms plus 6 dorm style rooms, and 2 internal courtyards, commercial kitchen and dining room. We have just welcomed another 41 students arriving from all over the world to join us for a 6 month Discipleship Training School (DTS). So our new home is fairly full!


Our family are still living at Lewis House for a few more weeks. Abbey is part way through her Year 12 exams, plus our accommodation next door isn’t ready yet. Kara has a fully self contained office building that we will be converting into a 3 bedroom home with guest flat adjoining. Some of this work will be done by the church, and some will be undertaken by us. So we are putting our interior design hats on, to plan out a suitable home.

Our ‘kids’ are going well – all adults now!! Abbey will finish her 13 years of schooling in about a few weeks and is looking to head off to Newcastle Uni next year. Chloe is about to complete her second year of nursing. She has a job with a nursing agency, which provides great experience as an Assistant in Nursing. Nathan is leading his second DTS, and has just sent his staff and students off on outreach. He will join several of the teams for a pastoral visit to see how they are all going.

The Next Season….

We wanted to let you know of a need we are heading towards. Part of our income over the years has come from family tax benefits whilst our kids have been at school. With Abbey finishing soon, we will lose this support, which we have been very grateful for. Part of this transition means our ‘kids’ becoming adults and taking on their own finances and paying their own way. However with two potentially at Uni, there isn’t a lot of extra money in their pockets!! So we are looking to gather quite a few more partners – both regular donations towards living expenses and also those who would like to give toward a specific project, such as our relocation to Kara. If you’d like to contribute either as a one-off gift or on a regular basis, click on the link:

Thanks so much!

David and Carrie