Ukraine Outreach 2023

May 22nd 2023 – Singapore Airport in transit

We would ask that you don’t re-post any photos or videos due to security risks for those involved.

Three weeks ran away very quickly for us. We would like to give a report on what really was an amazing time in representing you in Ukraine.First allow me to give an update on the financial side of the outreach. Normally we have this conversation before we leave, not when we’re about to come home. Due to a number of factors it’s just the way it had to be this time around. Short story, we have a shortfall of $4498 for this outreach. Provision of this amount will allow us to return home debt free. We really are keen to have completed that payment by May 24, which is the time we arrive back in Newcastle. We are wondering if you would consider making a contribution to […]

By |May 27th, 2023|Uncategorised|0 Comments

“We’re Alive but not Living”

July 30th 2022

“We’re alive but not living,” stated the mum of a Ukrainian family I (David) read about recently. She had lived near Donetsk and fled with her family to the safety of the west but they found themselves paying rent where there were no jobs to provide income. She returned with her family back home to the – under fire and Russian controlled – Donetsk region, and sadly one of them died. When we hear stories like this, we can sometimes feel so helpless to do anything. But we can.

On August 9th we go, taking a team of twelve into western Ukraine for two weeks, to do what we can to help these people live rather than simply be alive. To build, deliver food, move them to safety.

Reflecting on the past couple of years, our society’s been conditioned to take care of ourselves above all else – to isolate, mask up, socially distance, […]

By |July 30th, 2022|Uncategorised|0 Comments

David Europe Update #2

April 11th 2022

David was given the opportunity to help directly with a food distribution outreach into Ukraine. Please be aware that some of the photos/clips are within highly sensitive areas and are confronting.

This lady is from Mariupol – I prayed with her, as she has been looking for her father Alexandr for three weeks but can’t find him.

By |April 11th, 2022|Uncategorised|0 Comments

David Europe Update #1

April 6th 2022

Natasha is a Ukrainian and works for the Christian television network – she’s over here in Poland so we met with her a few days ago. She put it very well I think, when she said; “Ukrainians they’re quite overwhelmed, they never ever expected anything quite like this to happen. They’re still struggling to come to terms with it.”

Their husbands and fathers prevented from leaving the Ukraine, the women, often kissing their husbands goodbye at the border, take their children across the border into Poland. Precious families without their fathers, husbands and grandfathers, pouring across the border – which I’m told is the busiest Polish border from the Ukraine. So when they hear that the Russian troops are withdrawing from Kyiv, it brings hope.

Last time I was on the border, many were queueing to go back across into Ukraine, because they’re hearing about ceasefires. Hopes are building […]

By |April 6th, 2022|Uncategorised|0 Comments

2020 Update

Hi thereWell, we send our warm love to you within these…strangest of times!Trusting that you’re doing ok, whatever the circumstances are that you’re in. We know many of us are in essential industries such as farming; keeping us all fed and clothed! Some running other businesses, not missing a beat, others severely impacted, others again working within the public sector even as clinicians helping keep folks alive! Thank you, whatever you are doing. We’ll try and keep this short – as there’s plenty to read ATM. This will be brisk, but packed with a bunch of what we see God doing. For the first time ever, we sent our students home early from lectures. We have cancelled our April and July DTS courses. We asked our staff to pray and decide if they should immediately return home to be with family, or remain here in Newcastle or Tahlee. About 30% went home, another 30% […]

By |May 18th, 2020|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Exciting new developments!!

The Ruach has arrived in PNG!!
A lot has happened since we last updated everyone!! Our sailing vessel the ‘Ruach’ arrived in late January, and has since been fitted out ready to be deployed in PNG. She left Newcastle in mid September, had a brief stopover in Townsville, and as of today….. HAS ACTUALLY ARRIVED IN ALOTAU, PNG!!! We are so excited for the vessel and team to get started on fulfilling the purpose God has for them.




We had the privilege of being given the keys to the City of Newcastle recently. Newcastle Lord Mayor presented the key to the Ruach and YWAM Newcastle as part of the Ambassador Program, which recognises organisations who represent the city in a positive way.


A New Home….
Several weeks ago we heard the wonderful news that Mayfield Baptist Church had received the occupancy certificate for ‘Kara’ the property adjoining Lewis House (where we have lived since […]

By |October 21st, 2017|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Hi there,

It’s about this time of the year that our family heads up to the Myall Lakes, a little over an hour to our north. Directly in front of our campsite is a large water expanse that in many ways is ideal for sailing, apart from one issue.  The bay itself is gusty, sometimes producing a 5-28 knot wind-speed change within about two seconds. Very effective in de-stabilising [and sometimes capsizing] a 16 foot catamaran.

As I think about this year on a personal and ministry level; it’s been amazing- but it’s also been turbulent. Like my lake sailing experience, it’s been exciting, its been fruitful, and we’ve made a lot of ground — quickly. We’ve been blessed with our biggest quarter in history – 72 students. On a personal level, I [David] was able to graduate my exec masters in leadership. But we’ve also been buffeted. There has been great turbulence in world affairs, with terrible pain experienced by victims of […]

By |December 28th, 2015|Uncategorised|0 Comments

God’s faithfulness in every season

It’s been a full on season for us as a family. Back in May, David and Carrie made the trip over to Turkey for an ANZAC conference. It was a great time of getting Aussies, Kiwis and Turks together for reconciliation and renewing our call to work together. Carrie spent her birthday in Istanbul with a bunch of YWAM friends – definitely a different but fun birthday!!

Then in June, Carrie started making the trek back and forth to Melbourne as her mum wasn’t well. In the midst of this time, David’s mother became ill as well. The short version of the story is that both of our mothers passed away within a month of each other – July 25th and then August 25th. We are so grateful for such amazing mothers. They were both faithful Godly women, who passed on a priceless inheritance to their children and grandchildren. It’s quite an adjustment not having […]

By |October 26th, 2015|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Wilberforce Biographical Study

Biographical leadership study – William Wilberforce
David Stephenson

ExecMal Module 2

Oct 20th, 2014


I] Biographical overview
Early Life

William Wilberforce was born in 1759 to a wealthy family of merchants. Most of the wealthy upper class were nominal Anglicans at that time in England, the Wilberforce family being no exception. His High School education took him to Hull Grammar School, the Headmaster being an evangelical minister, who was to greatly influence him as a young politician. Tragically, his Father died at age 9, when soon after, he was sent to live under the influence of his evangelical Aunt and Uncle. They were Methodists, influenced by Wesley and Whitefield, with the latter a visitor on occasion. Both were to have significant influence on the young Wilberforce, leading to his conversion at age twelve. Respectable society at that time frowned upon “Enthusiasm,” a euphemism referring to Christianity [particularly strains like Methodism] with passion, characteristic of the anti […]

By |November 16th, 2014|Uncategorised|0 Comments

Savouring the Moment….

I’ve enjoyed the great opportunity this week to be reflecting on Beth Moore’s book, “Jesus, the One and Only”. Early on in the book, she brings us into the life of Jesus, and recounts a scene in the life of John the Baptists’ father Zechariah. It was Zechariah’s turn to offer the incense at the daily sacrifice. “An individual priest could offer the incense at the daily sacrifice only once in his lifetime. Zechariah’s only turn had come. Surely he was overwhelmed.”

 This really struck me.
 I have enjoyed the truth that over my lifetime I could pray whenever I wanted to. The Lord is constantly accessible. And that’s mostly true. But deploying that assumption hasn’t always helped my prayer life. Beth Moore recounts that during her trip to Israel, she went to pray at the Wailing Wall. She pondered on the privilege of this time with the Lord in that […]

By |November 15th, 2014|Uncategorised|0 Comments